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The Positive Meanings of Love

We'd like to share some of the positive meanings love has for us.

Love means that I know the person I love. I'm aware of the many sides of the other person — not just the beautiful side but also the limitations, inconsistencies and faults. I have an awareness of the other's feelings and thoughts, and I experience something of the core of that person. I can penetrate social masks and roles and see the other person on a deeper level.

Love means that I care about the welfare of the person I love. To the extent that it is genuine, my caring is not possessive, nor does it hold the other person back. On the contrary, my caring frees both of us. If I care about you, I'm concerned about your growth, and I hope you will become all that you can become. Consequently, I don't put up obstacles to what you do that enhances you as a person, even though it may result in my discomfort at times.

Love means having respect for the dignity of the person I love. If I love you, I can see you as a separate person, with your own values and thoughts and feelings, and I do not insist that you surrender your identity to match an image of what I expect you to be for me. I can allow and encourage you to stand alone and to be who you are, and I avoid treating you as an object or using you primarily to satisfy my own needs.

Love means having a responsibility toward the person I love. If I love you, I respond to most of your major needs as a person. This responsibility does not include my doing for you what you are capable of doing for yourself; nor does it mean that I run your life for you. It does mean acknowledging that what I am and what I do affects you, so that I am directly involved in your happiness and your suffering. A lover does have the capacity to hurt or ignore the loved one, and in this sense we see that love involves an acceptance of some responsibility for the impact my way of being has on you.

Love means making a commitment to the person I love. This commitment does not mean surrendering our total selves to each other; nor does it imply that the relationship is necessarily permanent. It does involve a willingness to stay with each other in times of pain, struggle, and despair, as well as in times of calm and enjoyment.

Love means trusting the person I love. If I love you, I trust that you will accept my caring and my love and that you won't deliberately hurt me. I trust that you will find me attractive, and that you won't abandon me; I trust the mutual nature of our love. If we trust each other, we are willing to be open to each other and reveal our true selves.

Love can tolerate imperfection. In a love relationship there are times when I am bored, times when I may feel like giving up, times of real strain, and times I feel I can't move forward. Authentic love does not imply enduring happiness. I can stay during rough times, however, because I can remember what we had together in the past, and I can picture what we will have together in our future if we care enough to face our problems and work them through. We agree with the idea that love is a spirit that changes life. Love is a way of life that is creative and that transforms. However, love is not reserved for a perfect world. Love is meant for our imperfect world where things go wrong. Love is meant to be a spirit that works in painful situations. Love is meant to bring meaning into life where nonsense appears to rule. In other words, love comes into an imperfect world to make it possible to live.

Love is open. If I love you, I encourage you to reach out and develop other relationships. Although our love for each other and our commitment to each other might prohibit certain actions on our parts, we are not totally and exclusively married to each other. It is a false love that cements one person to another in such a way that he or she is not given room to grow.

Love is selfish. I can only love you if I genuinely love, value, appreciate, and respect myself. If I am empty, then all I can give you is my emptiness. If I feel that I'm complete and worthwhile in myself, then I'm able to give to you out of my fullness. One of the best ways for me to give you love is by fully enjoying myself with you.

Love involves seeing the potential within the person we love. In my love for another, I view her or him as the person she or he can become, while still accepting who and what the person is now. By taking people as they are, we make them worse, but by treating them as if they already were what they ought to be, we help make them better.

To sum it up, mature love is union under the condition of preserving one's individuality. In love, two beings become one and yet remain two.

(Words: 901)


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Working with Words and Expressions


1. disaster 2. compelled 3. historical 4. disciplined 5. destruction 6. output

7. retreat 8. abandoned 9. trace 10. eternal 11. investment 12. transfer 13.

justify 14. nonetheless 15. contributions 16. accelerate 17. threaten


1. show signs of 2. called upon 3. off limits 4. in fear of 5. slow down 6.

cut down 7. from head to foot 8. come by 9. lost out 10. As yet 11. reside


Increasing Your Word Power


smoke + fog;

web + log;

breakfast + lunch ;

medical + care ;

motor + hotel;

net + citizen ;

science + fiction;

work + alcoholic


1. Anthropology: the scientific study of the human race, especially of its

origins, development, customs and beliefs

2. Archaeology: the study of the buried remains of the ancient times, such

3. as houses, pots, tools, and weapons

4. Ecology: the study of the relations of plants, animals, and people to

each other and to their surroundings

5. Geology: the study of rocks, soils, etc. which make up the Earth, and of

their changes during the history of the world

6. Ideology: a set of ideas that an economic or political system is based


7. Musicology: the study of the history and theory of music

8. Psychology: the scientific study of the mind and how it influences


9. Sociology: the scientific study of the nature and development of

society and social behavior

10. Zoology: the scientific study of animals and their behaviour


1. collective individual

2. consistent contradictory

3. constructive destructive

4. irrational rational

5. modern primitive

6. natural synthetic

7. nearby distant

8. optimistic pessimistic

9. replaceable irreplaceable

10. small enormous



1. She wished us health and success in the new year.

2. He asked how we were getting along with our work.

3. Jack said to me that I would be happy to know that his condition had


4. Rose asked Jack whether he was sure his mother would like the idea.

5. He asked John how long he had been waiting for them.

6. She said I needn't have done all that myself.


1. The strikers protested to the police that they had no right to arrest them.

2. He promised that he would give us whatever assistance we needed.

3. He agreed (that) that was the best solution to the problem.

4. My sister admitted that it was she who had broken the glass.

5. He declared that he meant what he said and would never go back on his


6. The man insisted that we give an explanation of what had happened.

7. Mrs. Jones complained that no one showed concern for the elderly in

that country.

8. The sales manager explained that he couldn't give us a definite answer

because he had not received instructions from his company.


(1) realm (2) elemental (3) obtain (4) stubbornly (5) transferred (6)

transformed (7) subdued (8) expansion (9) irreplaceable (10) extinct (11)

dynamic (12) verge (13) moderate (14) ecological (15) rational



1. The village is so close to the border that the villagers live in constant

fear of attacks from the enemy.

2. In only twenty years the country was transformed into an advanced

industrial power.

3. This company has evolved into one of the major chemical

manufacturing bases in this region.

4. Given the current financial situation, it is inevitable that the US dollar

will be further devalued.

5. The government's call for suggestions about the control of water

pollution produced very little response from the citizens.

6. The weather showed no signs of getting better so the government

called upon us to get prepared for floods.

7. At one time scientists thought that there was nothing smaller than an

atom but now most people know that an atom consists of even smaller


8. The students were all very much concerned about the World Cup,

spending at least two hours every day watching the live matches on TV.

9. The department store lost out because loans were very hard to come by

and it could not start business on time.

10. We can't go there for a walk because there is a navy base there, which

is off limits to tourists.


Human beings live in the realm of nature. They are not only dwellers in

nature, but also transformers of it. With the development of society and

its economy, people tend to become less dependent on nature directly, but

indirectly their dependence grows. Human beings are connected with

nature by "blood" ties. No one can live outside nature. However, the

previous dynamic balance between man and nature has shown signs of

breaking down. Problems such as the population explosion, ecological

imbalance and the shortage of natural resources have become major

factors keeping human society from being further developed. Professor

Spirkin holds that the only choice for human beings is the wise

organization of production and care for Mother Nature.


My Understanding of Environmental Protection

Man and the environment are closely related. Man relies on the

environment for water, food and shelter. A harmonious relationship

between man and However, man and the environment have never been on

such bad terms as they are now. As society develops, man’s

transformation of nature has severely polluted his living environment.

Deforestation leads to changes in rainfall patterns, causing devastating

floods, droughts and sandstorms. The discharge of chemical pollutants

endangers our health and the lives of other beings. And mass production

has resulted in the shortage of irreplaceable natural resources such as coal

and oil. If we take no immediate and effective steps to protect our

environment, human beings may be the next species to become extinct.

We should do our best to protect our environment by planting

more trees, taking care of wildlife, reducing industrial wastes, using

renewable energy, and imposing heavy fines on

environmentally-unfriendly activities, so as to preserve the environment

for future generations.










1、She is a very capable housewife but she likes to purchase things on impulse. Her kitchen cabinets are always full of clutter that will eventually be discarded. 


2、University students should have the resolve to live a frugal lifestyle and should not try to keep up with the Joneses or follow trends and fads. 


They should know that only when you mind the pennies will the dollars take care of themselves.


3、The couple are high-ranking executives of big companies. They eat out at least five days a week due to the lack of time for home cooking. 


4、The two signatures appear all of a piece. Even experienced experts may find it difficult to identify any difference between them. 










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