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Unit One Text A Comprehension Content Questions Pair Work 1 He used to be utterly bored by English courses. 2 When he was in the third year in high school. 3 He heard that Mr. Fleagle was dull, formal, rigid, and hopelessly out of date, and unable to inspire. He thought he was excessively prim and proper. 4 Because he expected the topics would be dull. 5 The art of Eating Spaghetti. 6 Because this topic brought back vivid memories of a night in Belleville when he and his family members learned how to eat spaghetti. 7 He thought he would violate all the rules of formal composition he’d learned in school, and Mr. Fleagle would surely give it a failing grade. 8 He was preparing himself for a command to report to Mr. Fleagle immediately after school for discipline. 9 He announced that he wanted to read an essay to the class. 10 Mr. Fleagle was reading Mr. Baker’s essay to the class. The class listened attentively, and then the entire class was laughing with open-hearted enjoyment. 11 Because both Mr. Fleagle and his classmates appreciated his essay very much. 12 Probably he meant that the way Baker’s essay was composed was exactly the way essays should be written or that the essence of a good essay is that it can move readers. Text Organization Working on Your Own 1 2 Baker’s impression of his new English teacher 4 Vivid memories the title brought back 6 Anticipating punishment 8 Classmates’ response to the essay 2 Part Two: Baker found himself attracted by one particular topic and wrote about it for his own joy. Part Three: The experience of writing the essay helped him discover his talent for writing and realize what he wished to do in life. Language Sense Enhancement























Spot Dictation

Directions: In this part of the test, you will listen to a passage and it will not be written out in full for you. You will hear the passage TWICE. While listening, you are required to fill in the blanks with the exact words you hear. (10 points)

Many 11 in the household could lead to fire disasters, but you could 12 your home against fire by following these tips:

1. Don't plug too many appliances into one outlet. Does the 13 have a strange smell when you use it? If so, unplug it and get it repaired or 14 .

2. Never leave cooking 15 . The cooking area should be clear of things that might catch fire. If a grease fire breaks out in a pan, cover the flames with the lid. Turn off the stove, the gas supply and other 16 when cooking is done.

3. Keep matches and lighters away from children. Put these 17 out of children's reach. Teach children that matches and lighters are not toys.

4. 18 fire extinguishers. Fire extinguishers allow you to fight small fires. Regularly check your equipment to make sure it will work when needed.

5. Plan and practice escape routes. Map two ways out of every room. Practice the escape plan with your family. If windows are part of the plan, make sure they can open easily. Clear the stairs of 19 that might get in your way.

In case of fire, get everyone out of the house first. Then call the fire department. In an apartment fire, take the stairs, not the 20 . If you have to go through smoke-filled areas, crawl on your hands and knees. Cover your nose and mouth with a wet cloth, if possible. If your clothes catch fire, drop to the ground and roll to put the flames out. Once everyone is out of the house, no one should go back in.











Reading Comprehension

Directions: There are two passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices. Click on the best choice. (20 points)

I'm afraid we have to accept the fact that criminals are getting younger all the time, but unfortunately the offences they commit are becoming proportionately more serious. I only wish we didn't have to admit but, in doing so, we must first ask ourselves what's wrong with our society that our children apparently couldn't care less about law and order. The day of the sneak thief who stole a couple of apples off a barrel or nicked a packet of sweets from a chain store are virtually over. I had an occasion to say this to a young offender the other day. "Sweets from a chain store?" he said, "You must be joking. That's kid's stuff." I may add that he was aged eleven. In other words, today's young criminals would find it laughable to risk being caught for petty theft of this description. They've got enough money in their pockets to buy the sweets they want, anyway. I think we have come to the point where it's all too easy to put the blame on anyone but ourselves. Faced as they are with a society that frequently rejects them on the grounds of colour, race or low academic ability, these children turn to crime as a means of boosting their self-esteem. Nurtured on films and TV glamorizing the role of the criminal, they are quick to identify with these anti-heroes. It is a matter of increasing concern to the Police and magistrates that the Children and Young Persons Act, 1969 is becoming inadequate to deal with the rise in juvenile delinquency. Because the emphasis has been placed on the cause and treatment of their delinquency, rather than on old-fashioned methods of punishment, the children themselves are well aware that there is very little that can be done to prevent them from continuing to mug, vandalize and in some case even cause the death of those they choose to terrorise. I don't like the look of this situation any more than you do. In our own interests and in those of our children and grandchildren, we cannot continue to take the "it's nothing to do with me" attitude we have adopted for so long. We must unite in a common demand for harsher and more disciplined methods against these young offenders.

21.According to the passage, crimes committed by teenagers ___C_______.

A.are overestimated in the reports of social problems

B.turn out to be out of control

C.can be very serious if measures are not taken promptly

D.have aroused a series of violent conducts

22.In the passage, the author clearly states that ____B______.

A.we should focus our attention on the treatment of juvenile delinquency

B.young people nowadays ignore law and order

C.old-fashioned methods of punishment do not have any effect

D.children tend to have more petty thefts

23.By "Nurtured on films and TV glamorizing the role of the criminal," the author means that _____C_____.

A.films and TV programs offer a good description of offences and crimes

B.criminals on films and TV series lead a splendid life

C.children are profoundly influenced by the anti-heroes

D.The description of criminals on films and TV series is not exaggerating

24.In dealing with juvenile delinquency, the author is apparently in favor of _____A_____.

A.severe punishment once used in the past

B.showing great concern about our children

C.more patient methods in reforming young offenders

D.treating every young offender as our own child

25.It can be inferred from the passage that ____D______.

A.young criminals won't risk being caught for petty theft

B.children turn to crime as a means of boosting their self-respect

C.little has been done to prevent children from committing a crime

D.it is high time we changed our attitude toward juvenile delinquently

In a competitive economy, the consumer usually has the choice of several different brands of the same product. Yet underneath their labels, these products are often nearly identical. One manufacturer's toothpaste tends to differ very little from another manufacturer's. Two different brands of shampoo may vary only in scent or color. This means that a shopper often has little reason to choose one brand over another. Thus, manufacturers are confronted with a problem-how to keep sales high enough to stay in business. Manufacturers solve this problem by advertising. Through advertising, each manufacturing company tries to convince consumers that its product is special. In fact, advertisements may be classified into three types according to the kind of appeals they use.

One type of advertisement tries to appeal to the consumer's reasoning mind. For example, it may say that dentists recommend Flash toothpaste, or it may declare that Woof dog food contains a special, vitamin-rich ingredient known as K-9. In selling a product, the truth of advertising may be less important than the appearance of truth. A scientific approach gives the appearance of truth.

Another type of advertisement tries to amuse the potential buyer. Products that are essentially boring, such as cleaning powder or insecticide, are often advertised in an amusing manner. One way of doing this is to make the products appear alive. The advertiser may draw little cartoon eyes, arms, and legs on the cans of cleaning powder and have the resulting figures scrub the sink. Ads of this sort are silly, but they also tend to be amusing. Advertisers believe that consumers are likely to remember and buy products that the consumers associate with fun.

Associating the product with something pleasant is the technique of the third type of appeal. In this class are ads that suggest that the product will satisfy some basic human desires. One such desire is the wish to be admired by other people. Many automobile advertisements are in this category. They imply that other people will admire you — may even be jealous — when they see you driving the hot, new car. This kind of appeal is sometimes strengthened by hiring a famous person to endorse the product.

26.There are many kinds of shampoo in the market, and according to the author, ____B______.

A.they are completely different from one another

B.they are generally the same in essence

C.they have the similar appearance

D.they sell at different prices

27.Manufacturers take to advertising because they want to ___B_______.

A.give consumers real information about their products

B.make their products more competitive

C.cheat consumers into buying their products

D.solve the problems in sales promotion

28."A scientific approach gives the appearance of truth" (Para. 2) most probably indicates that ____C______.

A.consumers firmly believe the scientific approach

B.consumers feel doubted about the appearance of truth

C.consumers may buy the products tested in a scientific way

D.consumers understand the appearance of truth

29.In the third paragraph, a potential buyer may ____A______.

A.feel attracted by lively advertisement

B.buy the products that appear alive

C.associate products with fun

D.feel interested in cartoon pictures

30.Which of the following belongs to the third type of advertisement? D

A.To draw an amusing picture

B.To illustrate all the ingredients

C.To knock down the price

D.To employ a famous actress

Vocabulary and Structure

Directions: Each of the following sentences is provided with four choices. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. (60 points)B.As





I. 1. 1) arguments 2) put ... down

3) sequence 4) rigid

5) tedious 6) hold back

7) reputation 8) distribute

9) off and on 10) vivid

11) associate ... with 12) congratulations

13) finally 14) turn in/turn out15) tackle

2. 1) George has been assigned to the newspaper's Paris office.

There is a possibility that his wish to become a writer will come true.

She had a clear image of how she would look in twenty years' time.

When the officer gave the command the soldiers opened fire.

As long as people keep buying bikes we'll keep turning them out.

3. 1) Mr. Green is very dull as a lecturer. He's rigid and old fashioned, and doesn't seem to have

the faintest idea of how to inspire. I always get bored with / by his lectures.

Alan's essays are long and tedious to read. What's more, his arguments are often based on out of date ideas.

I was pleasantly surprised at my ability to compose an essay that the professor chose to read to the class. It was without doubt one of the happiest moments in my school career, but I did my best to avoid showing pleasure. When the professor offered me his congratulations, however, I could hardly hold back a smile.

II. Synonyms in Context

1. composed 2. severe

3. agony 4. extraordinary

5. recall 6. command

7. was violating 8. anticipate

III. Collocation

1. at 2. for

3. of 4. with

5. as 6. about

7. to 8. in, in

9. from 10. on/upon


1. 1) Russell Baker is reported to live today with his wife in Virginia.

They are said to be building another bridge across the river.

Only a few students in Mr. Parker's composition class are said to have really captured the essence of the essay.

Those love poems were believed to have been composed by an English poet of the sixteenth century.

2. 1) as you suggested

2) as I told you to

exactly as I was

as you have described them to me

Comprehensive Exercises

I. Cloze

2. congratulations

4. scanned

6. vivid

8. off and on

10. career


1. hold back

3. tedious

5. recall

7. arguments

9. turn out/turn in


1. that

3. black

5. at

7. different

9. On

11. answer

13. wrong

15. Thus

II. Translation

Susan lost her legs because of / in a car accident. For a time, she didn't know how to face

up to the fact that she would never ( be able to) walk again.

One day, while scanning (through ) books, a true story caught her eye/she was attracted by a true story. It gave a vivid description of how a disabled girl became a writer. Greatly inspired. Susan made up her mind to read as much as she could, and what's more, she wanted to write stories about her own childhood. Susan began to feel that she, too, would finally be able to lead a useful life.




1. 1) Simon's ill — so much so that he can't get out of bed.

2) She herself believed in freedom, so much so that she would rather die than live without it.

3) Piles of work have kept us busy — so much so that we can't manage to take a holiday this year.

4) Many contestants later failed drug tests, so much so that the race had to be rerun.

2. 1) Assuming (that) this painting really is a Picasso

2) Assuming (that) the proposal is accepted

3) assuming, of course, that she's prepared to listen

4) Even assuming (that) smokers do see the health warnings

Comprehensive Exercises

I. Cloze


1. contrast 2. exaggerating

3. priority 4. on the other hand

5. promoting 6. pick up

7. assist 8. accomplish

9. on occasion 10. neglecting

- 96 - Appendix I

11. worthwhile 12. superior


1. to 2. affect/influence

3. others 4. each/them

5. without 6. controlled

7. about 8. value

9. They 10. little

11. right 12. but

13. in 14. what

15. worth 16. and

II. Translation

I consider it worthwhile trying to summarize our experience

in learning English. Here I would like to make three relevant points.

First, wide reading should be taken as a priority in the learning process, because it is through reading that we get the most language input. Next, learning by heart as many well-written essays as possible is also very important. On the one hand, rote learning/learning by rote is indeed of little help, but on the other hand, memorization/learning by heart with a good understanding will cer?tainly be of benefit/do good to us. With an enormous store of excellent essays in our heads, we will find it much easier to express ourselves in English. Finally, it is critical that we should put what we have learned into practice. By doing more reading, writing, listening and speaking, we will be able to accomplish the task of perfecting our English.

Part III TextB

Comprehension Check

1. c 2. c

3. d 4. a

5. c 6. b


(#ja Appendix III)

Appendix I - 97 -

Language Practice

1. adopt

3. plus

5. furthermore

7. annual

9. pace

11. on demand

13. perspective 15. fell apart

17. access

19. deposit

2. account

4. ended up

6. fund

8. keeping track of

10. intends

12. devise

14. undoubtedly

16. protest

18. resources

20. from your point of view

Part IV Theme-Related Language Learning Tasks

Model paper

How I Learn at College

I went to school in a small town near Chengdu and now I am studying law at Fudan University in Shanghai. Passing from one to the other you have to get used to many new things, not the least being the different way of learning.

At school I found my timetable full throughout the day. One lesson came close on the heels of

another with little time to call one's own. At university, in contrast, only a few hours of each day are

taken up with classes or lectures. In the time made available you are expected to learn on your own.

When and where is up to you. At the same time what you are meant to learn shifts from memorizing

masses of facts to developing an ability to understand theories and present arguments. There are, of

course, still facts to be learned. One should not exaggerate the differences. Nevertheless, learning at

university certainly teaches me greater self-reliance and to think for myself. (169 words)



Peggy Noonan lives in New York and writes a weekly column for The Wall Street Journal. This piece is taken from one of them. In it she reflects on her week and on life in the city. Writing less than a year away from the destruction of the World Trade Center, her thoughts are inevitably affected by that terrible event.


The Nightmare and the Dreams


-- How has Sept. 11 affected our national unconscious?




It is hot in New York. It is so hot that once when I had a fever a friend called and asked me how I felt and I said, "You know how dry and hot paper feels when it's been faxed? That's how I feel." And how I felt all day yesterday. It is hot. We feel as if we've been faxed.


I found myself fully awake at 5 a.m. yesterday and went for a walk on the Brooklyn Bridge. Now more than ever the bridge seems like a great gift to my city. It spans. In the changed landscape of downtown it is our undisturbed beauty, grown ever more stately each year. People seem to love it more now, or at least mention it more or notice it more. So do I. It's always full of tourists but always full of New Yorkers, too.


I am struck, as I always am when I'm on it, that I am walking on one of the engineering wonders of the world. And I was struck yesterday that I was looking at one of the greatest views in the history of man's creation, Manhattan at sunrise.


And all of it was free. A billionaire would pay billions to own this bridge and keep this view, but I and my jogging, biking and hiking companions have it for nothing. We inherited it. Now all we do is pay maintenance, in the form of taxes. We are lucky.


As I rounded the entrance to the bridge on the Brooklyn side, a small moment added to my happiness. It was dawn, traffic was light, I passed a black van with smoked windows. In the driver's seat with the window down was a black man of 30 or so, a cap low on his brow, wearing thick black sunglasses. I was on the walkway that leads to the bridge; he was less than two feet away; we were the only people there. We made eye contact. "Good morning!" he said. "Good morning to you," I answered, and for no reason at all we started to laugh, and moved on into the day. Nothing significant in it except it may or may not have happened that way 30 or 40 years ago. I'm not sure the full charge of friendliness would have been assumed or answered.


It made me think of something I saw Monday night on TV. They were showing the 1967 movie "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?" with Katharine Hepburn, Sidney Poitier and Spencer Tracy, about a young white woman and a young black man who fall in love, hope to marry and must contend with disapproving parents on both sides. It's held up well, and parts of it seemed moving in a way I didn't remember, and pertinent.


There was a bit of dialogue that packed a wallop. Spencer Tracy as the father of the would-be bride is pressing Mr. Poitier on whether he has considered the sufferings their mixed-race children might have to endure in America. Has he thought about this? Has his fiancée? "She is optimistic," says Mr. Poitier. "She thinks every one of them will grow up to become president of the United States. I on the other hand would settle for secretary of state." Those words, written 35 years ago may have seemed dreamy then. But in its audience when the movie came out would likely have been a young, film-loving Army lieutenant named Colin Powell who, that year, was preparing for a second tour of duty in Vietnam. And now he is secretary of state. This is the land dreams are made of. Does that strike you as a corny thing to say and talk about? It is. That's another great thing.


Late Tuesday, on a subway ride from Brooklyn to the north of Manhattan, I resaw something I'd noticed and forgotten about. It is that more and more, on the streets and on the train, I see people wearing ID tags. We all wear IDs now. We didn't use to. They hang from thick cotton string or an aluminum chain; they're worn one at a time or three at a time, but they're there.


I ponder the implications. What does it mean that we wear IDs? What are we saying, or do we think we're saying? I mean aside from the obvious.


I imagined yesterday the row of people across from me on the train, looking up all of a sudden from their newspaper and answering one after another:


"It means I know who I am," says the man in blue shirt and suspenders.


"It means I can get into the building," says the woman in gray.


"It means I am a solid citizen with a job."


"I am known to others in my workplace."


"I'm not just blowing through life, I'm integrated into it. I belong to something. I receive a regular paycheck."


"I have had a background check done by security and have been found to be a Safe Person. Have you?"


I wonder if unemployed people on the train look at the tags around the other peoples' necks and think. Soon I hope I'll have one too. I wonder if kids just getting their first job at 17 will ever know that in America we didn't all use to be ID'd. Used to be only for people who worked in nuclear power plants or great halls of government. Otherwise you could be pretty obscure. Which isn't a bad way to be.


A month ago there were news reports of a post-Sept. 11 baby boom. Everyone was so rocked by news of their mortality that they realized there will never be a perfect time to have kids but we're here now so let's have a family. I believed the baby boom story and waited for the babies.


Then came the stories saying: Nah, there is no baby boom, it's all anecdotal, there's no statistical evidence to back it up. And I believed that too. But I've been noticing something for weeks now. In my neighborhood there is a baby boom. There are babies all over in Brooklyn. It is full of newborns, of pink soft-limbed infants in cotton carriers on daddy's chest. It is full of strollers, not only regular strollers but the kind that carry two children -- double-wides. And triple-wides. I don't care what anyone says, there have got to be data that back up what I'm seeing: that after Sept. 11, there was at least a Brooklyn baby boom.


A dream boom, too. The other day I spoke with a friend I hadn't seen since the world changed. He was two blocks away when the towers fell, and he saw everything. We have all seen the extraordinary footage of that day, seen it over and over, but few of us have seen what my friend described: how in the office buildings near the World Trade Center they stood at the windows and suddenly darkness enveloped them as the towers collapsed and the demonic cloud swept through. Did you see those forced to jump? I asked.


"Yes," he said, and looked away.


Have you had bad dreams?


"Yes," he said, and looked away.


I thought about this for a few days. My friend is brilliant and by nature a describer of things felt and seen. But not this time. I spoke to a friend who is a therapist. Are your patients getting extraordinary dreams? I asked.


"Always," he laughs.




"Yes," he says, "mostly among adolescents. "


I asked if he was saving them, writing them down. He shook his head no.


So: The Sept. 11 Dream Project. We should begin it. I want to, though I'm not sure why. I think maybe down the road I will try to write about them. Maybe not. I am certain, however, that dreams can be an expression of a nation's unconscious, if there can be said to be such a thing, and deserve respect. (Carl Jung thought so.)


To respect is to record. Send in your Sept. 11 related dream -- recurring, unusual, striking, whatever. I will read them, and appreciate them and possibly weave them into a piece on what Sept. 11 has done to our dream lives and to our imaginations, when our imaginations are operating on their own, unfettered, unstopped, spanning.






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