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Harvard University is a private university in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA and a member of the Ivy League. Harvard was founded on September 8, 1636.Seven Presidents of the United States have graduated from Harvard schools and colleges.

Harvard is located on the Charles River. Some students go to the Charles River for rowing. One the other side of the Charles River is the city of Boston. Boston's subway system, called the "T" has a stop in Harvard Square. The Harvard Business School and the Harvard Medical School are both located on the other side of the Charles River in Boston. They are not in Cambridge. Harvard College, School of Public Health, Harvard Graduate School of Education, Harvard Extension School, Harvard Law School and some of the other schools are all in Cambridge. Together, these schools are Harvard University.



Dear Jim,


I’m glad to learn that you are going to participate in the activity “Thumbs-up for China”. Letme give you some advice.


What I want to recommend to you is the Chinese University, which was originally named as National University and renamed as Chinese University in 1917.


It was founded by Sun Yat-sen and others to train talents for democratic revolution. The school officially opened on April 13, 1913 and closed in 1949, which lasted for 36 years.


In order to train democratic revolutionary talents, Dr. Sun Yat-sen set up a Chinese university in Beijing in 1912, imitating Waseda University in Japan. Song Jiaoren and Huang Xing were the first and second presidents, and Mr. Sun Yat-sen served as his own manager.





Dear Mark,

Thank you for your recent letter in which you want to know something about Beijing University.

Beijing University is a comprehensive university consisting of a number colleges. It is one of top universities in China. There are many famous people were from this university.

It is located in the capital of China, Beijing. Therefore, it is named Beijing University. If you want to know any specific department or a college in the university, Please let me know.

Best regards,

Li Hua.

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