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一、写作和翻译(含Part 1写作和Part 6翻译)(占20%),满分为142分现代大学英语精读2完整答案unit9; 二、阅读理解(含Part 2快速阅读理解和Part 4仔细阅读理解)(占35%),满分为249分现代大学英语精读2完整答案unit9; 三、听力(含Part 3,包括长、短对话听力理解和短文听力理解与听写)(占35%),满分为249分; 四、综合填空


谁有《现代大学英语精读2》的答案,能不能给小弟发个! 88959066@qq.com

Lesson one

2) capitalize centralize finalize hospitalize idealize socialize apology civil fertile industrial real specially western

3) claritify classify identify intensify justify notify purify quality simplity unify

4)fertilize realize summarized hospitalized westernize criticized mordernize purfied gualify justify identified simplified classified terrified

2 achievement to suppose try occupation opportunity tragedy keep busy rather to produce to keep clear to bring up to be enough

4 see to it that do with put you in tough with average out to had no business ture of

be out of specialized in are struck are exposed to average out to see to it that

6 1)tell said tell talking saying said speak said spoke 2)fairly farily rather rather 3)sensitive sensible sensible

8 insisted in preside over insisted on interfered in are belonging for has concertrated on

was agree on hesitating about resort to complaining about rely on succeeded in

III 2 will host will be completed shall/will do will work will be is going to be will have been moved will be are going to learn are gong to work

3 1)Both his brother and sister are lawyers。 2)What they lack is not money but experience 3)They have come to China is not only to learn现代大学英语精读2完整答案unit9,but to learn something about her culture。 4)I find the new massager is neither easy to get along with nor delightful to talk to。 5)What children want most from their parents are not material things but love and attention。 6)Mr Hu is fluent both in French anf English。 7)Contrary towhat people had expected现代大学英语精读2完整答案unit9,not only didi he attend the meeting but he also spoke for twenty minutes。

9)I’m not quiet sure why he didn ’t show up,Either he was not interested or he simply forgot about about it。 10)A society should respect both its scientists and its garbage collectors。 11)Neither teachers nor the students belive there is any shortcut in learning English。 12)The purpose of a university is to produce people who are both specialists and civilized citizens。

5 1)as on 2)like 3)out of 4)On/For along with 5)By/Near behind in with 6)as in in from into from 7)about to from with near from in in on like 8)on/upon of round on beside for by off into to to on on to under


现代大学英语精读2练习答案精读2 练习答案 lesson one


2)capitalize centralize finalize hospitalize idealize naturalize socialize

apology civil fertile industrial real special western

3) clarify classify identify intensify notify purify simplify unify

4) fertilize realize summarized hospitalized qualify justify identified simplified


achievement to suppose effort profession/occupation opportunity

great tragedy/misfortune used/kept busy rather to produce to keep

apparent/clear to raise/to bring up to be enough


4 see to it that do with put you in touch with average out to

had no business ture of be out to specialized in are stuck

are exposed to averaged out to see to it that


6 1)tell ,said 2)tell 3)talking,saying 4)said, speak/talk 5)said, spoke

1)fairly 2)fairly ,rather 3)rather

1)sensitive 2)sensible 3)sensible


8 agree(on/to/with) happen(to) point(at/out/to)

belong(to) hesitate(about/over) reflect(on)

care(about/for) insist(on/upon) rely(on)

cling(to) interfere(in/with) resort(to)

come(into) keep(off) see(to)

complain(about/of) listen(to) suffer(form)

concentrate(on) look(at/for/into/on) wait(for)

depend(on) long(for)

1)depend,,,,on/upon 2)preside over 3)insisted on 4)interfere in

5)are longing for 6)has concentrated on 7)was agreed on/upon

8)hesitating about/over 9)resort to 10)complaining about,rely on/upon

11)succeeded in

9 varies probably other period reason powers about then

take found for mean less are does

2 1)will host 2)will have been completed/will be completed

3)shall/will do 4)will work, is held 5)will be 6)is going to be

7)will have (been) moved 8)will be 9)are going to learn

10)are going to work

3 1)both his sister and brother are lawers.

2)what they lack is not money but to learn about her culture as well

3)they have come to china not only to learn chinese , but to learn about her

culture well.

4)i find the new manager neither easy to get along with nor delight to talk


5)what children really want most from their parents are nit material things but

love and atention

6)Mr.Hu is fluent in french but also in English.

7)contrary to what peopie had expected ,not only did he attend the meeting ,

but he also spoke for twenty minutes.

8)you may either write your essay in your regular exercise book or point a copy

if you do it on your computer.

9)I'm not quite sure why he didn't show up. Either he was not interested,or he simply

forgot about it.

10)A society should respect both its scientists and its garbsge college.

11)Neither the teachers nor the studens believe there is any shortcut in

learning English.

12)the purpose of a university is to produce people who are both specialists and civilized citizens.

4 1)Who is the essay written for?

2)what was the writer doing/ teaching at that time?

3)what did the boy come go to college for?

4)what did the boy come go to the writer's office one day?what was his problem?

5)what is the difference betwen a university and a techical train school ,according

to the writer?

6)How does the writer think a person should spend the time when he is neither

working nor sleeping? why?

7)was the tall boy convinced by the writer said?

9)do you agree with what the writer says about the purpose of a university?

5 1)as ,on 2)like 3)out of 4)for/on, along with 5)by/near,behind ,

in,with 6)as ,in,in,from, to/into ,at/from 7)about, to ,from ,with,near,from ,in,

in,on,like 8)on/upon, of, round ,on, beside,for,by ,off,into,under,

to ,to,on,on,to,under



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