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英语作文my biggest problem

《My Biggest Problem》You know that everybody will make different kinds of mistakes throught their lives, which is such a common phenomenon around us. And I`ve recognised that I also have someshortcomings, of which the biggest one is my careless. I`m rather affected by it both in my study and in my daily life. I`m always worrying about it, but I couldn`t control it well as what I thought for most of time. The following are my problems:In my study, I often failed in writting the right answers to the questions in my paper, though I knew what were the right ones. As a result, I would get the lower marks than I should have got. You may say to me "it`s really a pitty". Yeah, I agree with you. Then in the daily life, you know what always happened to me just because of my careless? There were so many things that I could tell you, such as forgetting to take the keys when I went out, leaving the important books in the room, which I needed for class, remmembering the the wrong dates of appointments with others, mistaking person A for person B, and so on. All of them have already affected the quality of my lifestyle, but what should I do? I`ve been striving to escape from these things, but it didn`t work. Oh, it seems that I should find some other ways to help me out. Emm, I think Ican keep a diary as everyday conclusion then, and I can also take a notebook with me wherever I go, which can remind me to do the right things in the proper time.OK! If I should stick to the plans, I think Iwould give upthe bad habit of my careless. Wish me good luck then! 我最大的问题》《你知道,每个人都将使不同类型的错误通过他们的生活,这是一个普遍的现象在我们周围。我承认我也有一些缺点,其中最大的一个是我的粗心。我很受它都在我的学习和日常生活。我总是担心它,但是我无法控制得很好,我想对于大多数的时间。以下是我的问题:在我的研究中,我经常失败的写作问题的正确答案在我的纸,虽然我知道什么是正确的。因此,我将得到较低的分数比我应该有。你可能对我说“这真是一个琵蒂”。是的,我同意你。然后在日常生活中,你知道总是发生在我只是因为我的粗心吗?有如此多的事情,我可以告诉你,如忘记把钥匙当我走了出去,留下了重要的书在房间里,我需要上课,remmembering了错误的日期与他人约会,把人给人B,等等。他们已经影响了我的生活质量,但我应该做些什么?我一直在努力摆脱这些事情,但是它不工作。哦,看来我应该找到一些其他方法来帮助我。恩,我想我能做到每天记日记作为结论然后,我还可以随身带一本笔记本我无论我到哪里,这可以提醒我要做正确的事情在正确的时间好!我是否应该坚持计划,我想我会给乘风的坏习惯我的粗心。祝我好运吧!


英语作文 篇1

breakfast is important. but not all the students have realized its important. here’s the result of our survey. about 55 percent of the students have breakfast regularly every day. they keep healthy and look active. 25 percent of them just have junk food instead. they don’t have a balanced diet. (it is bad for their health.) 20 percent (of the students) go to school without breakfast. as a result, these students often fell hungry in class and can’t listen to teachers carefully. what’s worse, they get ill easily.

it’s important (for us) to have breakfast and we should also have the right kinds of food for breakfast.


英语作文 篇2

Don't Waste Water

A man is washing 不管,不顾)the notice above “Save the water, please.”there is very limited available (可利用的)water resources in the world. So we shouldn't waste it. Of course, we have to use it to drink, and to do cooking, washing and etc(and so on). But we

extravagantly(奢侈的,浪费的). If we don?t stop such wasteful habits, we would cut off (切开,切断,割掉,削除,伐除;截止;截断)the development of the world and human life.

英语作文 篇3

☆1. Using biccle cntributes greatl t peple'sphsical fitness as well as easing traffic as.


☆2. Since the exainatin is arund the crner, Ia cpelled t give up ding sprts.


☆3. Mrever, children will have less tie tpla and cunicate with their peers due t extra studies,cnsequentl, it is difficult t develp and cultivate theircharacter and interpersnal sills. The a bece re slitarand even suffer fr certain ental illness.


☆4. In the secnd place, an values ftraditinal technlg are ut f date and shuld be replaced bdern science.


☆5. There is n dening the fact that airpllutin is an extreel serius prble: the cit authritiesshuld tae strng easures t deal with it.


☆6. There is a general discussin ver fashin inrecent ears. One f the questins under debate is whether a persnshuld chse cfrtable clthes, which he r she lies,regardless f fashin.


☆7. There is n dening that the qualities f urliving have gne fr bad t wrse.


☆8. It is desirable t build re hspitals,shpping centers, recreatin centers, cineas and ther publicfacilities t eet the grwing needs f peple.


☆9. Furtherre, peple wh addict t fashinclthes have t spend re tie ging shpping and pa reattentin t the ipressin the ae n thers. As a result, it isipssible t devte enugh tie and energ in their stud andb.


☆10. The difference between a an wh succeeds andne wh des nt lies nl in the wa each treats pprtunities.The successful persn alwas aes adequate preparatins t eetpprtunities as the dul arrive. The unsuccessful persn, n thether hand, wrs little and ust waits t see pass b.


☆111. Man experts pint ut that phsical exercisecntributes directl t a persn's phsical fitness.


☆12. Children are underging fast phsicaldevelpent; lac f phsical exercise a prduce disastrusinfluence n their later life.


☆13. It is cnl thught that ur sciet haddraaticall changed b dern science and technlg, and huanhad ade extrardinar prgress in nwledge and technlg verthe recent decades.


☆14. Due t high tuitin fee, st f rdinarfailies cannt affrd t send their children t bardingschls.


☆15. In cnclusin, we ust la ephasis n thisprble and ae ur axiu cntributin t help the spend theirfirst da n capus sthl.


☆16. We cannt ephasize the iprtance fprtecting ur ees t uch.


☆17. Listening t usic enables us t feelrelaxed.


☆18. As fr e, it is essential t nw, at first,what ind f prbles ung students pssible wuld encunter ncapus.


☆19. Millins f peple have t spend re tieand energ n studing new sills and technlg s that the caneep a favrable psitin in b aret.


☆20. Peple believe that cputer sills willenhance their b pprtunities r prtinpprtunities.


英语作文 篇4

(1) 模版1

Different people have different views on_____.Some people think that_____,whereas others aegue that __________.

As far as I am concerned, I agree with the opinion that ___________.For one thing,I firmly believe that ___________.For another,_____________.Just think of________,who/which_______.

Taking all these factors into consideration,we may safely come to the conclusion that______.Only if_______can we _______,just as the saying goes,________________.


In recent years there have been many reports of ________.It turns a new chapter of _________in China,and will have far-reaching effects in the forthcoming years.

The biggest benefit,in my eyes,is that_______.In addition,_______.Finally,______________.

Apart from the benefits mentioned above,we should also face several unavoidable challenges.In the first place,_____________.In the second place,________.What’s more,_______________.In summary,we should_______________.


Nowadays more and more ______are commonly and widely used in everyday life,ranging from __________to_____________.

The popularity of _______will have a great influence on ______.On the one hand,_________.On the other hand,__________.

To conclude,____________are just like a double-edged sword.With them we may________.However,one point should be kept in mind that we should make sensible use,always being a master instead of slaving of them.

英语作文 篇5

My hometown, Ryan, is a place full of people. There are many beautiful places in Ryan, among which my favorite is the bund.

There are many beautiful places on the bund, and the music fountain is one of them.

Every holiday season, the fountains are dotted with lights, and the colorful water pours out of the sky and becomes fillet of silk in the air. Some are red, like a blooming rose, some are gold, like countless jewels of gold and silver... The happiest were our children, and the fountains were bursting with umbrellas, screaming, and rushing through the interlaced areas of the water again and again. Everyone enjoyed the moment of joy. Because the fountain is not available every day.

The music fountain goes up and you can see the beautiful flying cloud. Look, the river of the feiyun river, the small ripples, the size of the boats traveling, and occasionally the water birds. When night falls, the flying cloud river is even more beautiful, the bridge that crosses over, give it to wear dazzling jewelry, beautiful extremely.

The beautiful bund adds a gorgeous color to Ryan.






英语作文 篇6


The little yellow croaker fried by my mother is delicious. At the end of the weekend, under my "application", my mother began to show her skills and cook delicious food for me.


At noon, my mother got up from the TV, came to the kitchen, ready to do the work before the fried yellow croaker. Look, my mother first cleaned the little yellow croaker, put them into a small basin, add cooking wine, salt, chicken essence and ginger into it, mix them evenly, and start to marinate them to make them taste good. It's just that I'm really worried about the 20 minute marinating time. I really want to eat the fried yellow croaker made by my mother.


Twenty minutes later, although my mother was reluctant to part with the TV program, she couldn't help but urge me to go back to the kitchen again. Mother found another bowl, put flour in it, beat in eggs and add a small amount of water, stir well, and then put the washed little yellow croaker into it. At the same time, mother turned on the gas stove, put soybean oil in the pot, and when the oil was hot, she picked up a small yellow croaker wrapped in flour with chopsticks and began to cook and fry it!


Listen to the sound of "crackling" in the oil pan, and my stomach has been "jabbering" for a long time. About ten minutes later, the little yellow croaker finally came out of the pot. Looking at the small yellow croaker in the plate, I can't wait. Then I picked up chopsticks and clamped a small yellow croaker. It was so hot that I put it into my mouth to eat. Although it's a little hot, nothing matters in front of delicious food. Just listen to the mother laughing and angry said: "silly child, you can't eat slowly, hot, card, which is more important?" It's really for my mother. Maybe I swallowed too fast. A little thorn really stuck in my throat. I quickly took another bite of rice and swallowed it smoothly. Looking at my mother's angry expression, I smiled and continued my "wolf swallow" lunch.


How do you like it? Have you seen everything I said? Finally, I'd like to remind you that you can eat greedily, but you should chew carefully and swallow slowly. Don't make my mistake again!

英语作文 篇7


I would like to sell some of the course books I used in college, because I’m going to graduate from college soon. The details of these books are as follows.

First of all, those books are a set of professional books used by English majors in our school. They are about American literature, including the history of American literature, introduction of American great writers and some excepts from great works like the Old man and the Sea by Hemingway. It was also attached with a CD with some native speakers reading those excepts. What’s more, many graduate schools list this set of books as the reference books, so if you want to apply for a master’s degree, you can use it not only in the class but also for the postgraduate entrance examination. My books are 80% new and are to be sold at half the price of a new set. Don’t miss it!

If you have any question or want more information, don’t hesitate to contact me. You can call 8654321 or send email to liming@163.com.

Li Ming

英语作文 my biggest mistake


You know that everybody will make different kinds of mistakes throught their lives, which is such a common phenomenon around us. And I've recognised that I also have some shortcomings, of which the biggest one is my careless.


I'm rather affected by it both in my study and in my daily life. I`m always worrying about it, but I couldn't control it well as what I thought for most of time. The following are my problems.


In my study, I often failed in writting the right answers to the questions in my paper, though I knew what were the right ones. As a result, I would get the lower marks than I should have got.


You may say to me "it's really a pitty". Yeah, I agree with you.


Then in the daily life, you know what always happened to me just because of my careless? There were so many things that I could tell you, such as forgetting to take the keys when I went out, leaving the class, dates of appointments with others, mistaking person A for person B, and so on.


All of them have already affected the quality of my lifestyle, but what should I do? I`ve been striving to escape from these things, but it didn`t work. Oh, it seems that I should find some other ways to help me out. Emm, usion then, and I can also take a notebook with me wherever I go, which can remind mee proper time.


OK! If I should stick to the plans, I think I would give up the bad habit of my careless.


Wish me good luck then!


英语作文:my biggest mistake

As a woman, one of the biggest mistakes I've made that mistake once the love of life as a whole. During that time, we can say only live for love, to love as all the hope and meaning of life. Of course, love and finally out of the question. Fortunately, later I realized that love is just a part of life, that part of it is not even a pillar of, but for the life of that part of the icing on the cake.

At that time, I think it is a problem because of the love that he began to go wrong, life began to go wrong. In fact, when looking back found that, in fact, when I first went wrong, entangled in a variety of inexplicable fear among the hapless love will follow. When love is when something goes wrong, if two people love just want to fix, rather than objectively reflect and improve yourself, then once again a beautiful love, rescue is not coming back. A person like anger Wang, from chicken pox, you do not try to send a fire, just touch some acne plaster, will not have much use.

Later, I will no longer worry about. Fear will only make a good thing bad, bad thing worse. Many girls said to me: "I just did not feel safe." But the "security" is what? What men really give you a sense of security? Maybe you're worried now, why they have not found a boyfriend; when you find a boyfriend, you began to worry, he does not marry me how to do; when he married you, you have to worry about his derailed how many people do ...... so again and again worried endlessly, where there is time to enjoy the love? To feel the love the most sincere, most beautiful part?

There is no sense of security, either from their own distrust; either due to distrust each other. If you really love a man, and make sure he worthy of your love, then choose to trust him. As for their lack of trust, which requires long-term self-regulation and encouragement. The most important is a woman, no matter how crazy it was love, it must have some of their hobbies, their friends, their own ideas, and more importantly - there must be an independent personality. Only in this way will you trust yourself.

Do not put the blame on his own misfortune late love, or love ring true, in fact, when you take care of all parts of life in addition to love outside the harvest you will naturally want to love.


以my biggest mistake为题写一篇作文求大神在线等

Today my leader told me that I made a big stupid mistake. I am always forgetful like that. I even forgot to put the things into the carton and sent the carton to American. Then we have a meeting for my mistake. My leader said that don't surf the internet before you have done the job. My colleagues are really upset. I know it is all my mistake. Now I'm really upset too. My leader said such things had never happened before. I really don't know how it happened. However, It really happened and because of my careless, my colleagues are criticized and my leader decide to impose a fine to us, not just me. This mistake has taken, I know I'll never forget it. It will warn me be careful in your job. Maybe some times later, it's not a big deal. It is still the stain in my job.

Eventually, pls be careful in your job. I hope no one will make such stupid mistake like me.




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