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由我国月亮数学家独立自主明确提出的我国第二颗综合型月亮观测专供人造卫星——一流李冬明月亮观测站(Advanced Space-based Solar Observatory,全称ASO-S),将于2022年10月在酒泉人造卫星升空中心升空返回地面。Auneuil亚洲地区迈入为人造卫星公开征集的公益活动。(扫描器该文条码,为月亮观测人造卫星起个耐热的英文名字吧!)


The Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) has initiated a global name collection for the countrys newest solar observatory, which will be launched into a sun-synchronous orbit in October.

The 888-kilogram observatory has a half-tonne precursor, "Xihe," a Chinese H-alpha Solar Explorer (CHASE), named after the sun goddess in ancient Chinese mythology and launched last October to study the violent and sudden physical processes behind solar flares.

The newest Chinese solar observation satellite, the Advanced Space-Based Solar Observatory (ASO-S), is to help solar physicists study the relationships between the solar magnetic field, solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs).

The ASO-S logo. /CAS

For the first time ever, ASO-S has three payloads on a single platform: the Full-disk vector MagnetoGraph (FMG), the Lyman-α Solar Telescope (LST) and the Hard X-ray Imager (HXI).

It will circle the Earth once every 90 minutes in a sun-synchronous orbit at an altitude of 720 km. Meanwhile, "Xihe" is in a low Earth orbit at an altitude of about 517 km.

ASO-S has a design life of more than four years, one year longer than "Xihe," and will make follow-up observations for the latter for the upcoming solar maximum in 2025.

Together with other such observatories, it will help provide a fuller picture of solar activity and dynamics for studies on the sun and benefit all human beings.

China usually names its space probes and programs from ancient Chinese mythology or classical literature.

The QR code for the Chinese webpage of the naming event. /CAS

During the next two weeks, ASO-S name collection participants are invited to scan a QR code to submit suggestions in Chinese.

According to CAS, the top 10 will be awarded souvenirs, while the winner might get the chance to go to the launch site to observe the historic liftoff of the solar observatory.




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