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Keys to Exercises of Uni1 of Book1 of NHCESection AVocabularyIII: 1. rewarding 2. communicate 3. access 4. embarrassing 5. positive 6. commitment 7. virtual 8. benefits 9. minimum 10. opportunityIV: 1. up 2. into 3. from 4. with 5.to 6. up 7. of 8. in 9 for 10. withV. GBEIH KMOFCSentence StructureVI:1. Universities in the east are better equipped, while those in the west are relatively poor.2. Allan Clarke kept talking the price up, while Wilkinson kept knocking it down.3. The husband spent all his money drinking, while his wife saved all hers for the money.4. Some guests spoke pleasantly and behaved politely, while others were insulting and impolite.5. Outwardly Sara was friendly towards all those concerned, while inwardly she was angry.VII:1. Not only did Mr. Smith learn the Chinese language, but he also bridge the gap between his culture and ours.2. Not only did we learn the technology through the online course, but we also learned to communicate with friends in English.3. Not only did we all our money, but we also came close to losing our lives.4. Not only do the workers want a pay increase, but they also want reduce working hours.5. Not only is the house expensive, but it is also too far away from my company.TranslationVIII:1. Not only can students choose when and where to learn for an online course, but they can also take time to think through answers before making a reply.2. She is excited by the idea of online learning while he considers it meaningless and useless.3. Communicating with native English speakers is a very rewarding experience from which we can learn a lot.4. Today, more and more people have access to the Internet through which they look for the information they need.5. He wants her to give up working and stay home to look after the children. She feels, however, that this is too much for her.6. Now that we have finished the course, we shall start doing more revision work.IX:1. 大学英语专科1答案我永远都不会忘记那位老师大学英语专科1答案,是大学英语专科1答案他告诉大学英语专科1答案我学外语是有趣的、有价值的。如果没有他,我的英语说得不会像现在这么好。2. 没有任何其他语言能像英语那样让你感受到多姿多彩的世界文化。有了过硬的英语只是,你就可以体验奇妙的文化之旅。3. 写作不仅仅要写老师不知的话题,而且要写自己感兴趣的东西,例如,给朋友写电子邮件。4. 远程教学课程是授课者与学生通过计算机技术进行交流的课程。5. 英语不但是世界上最有用的语言,也是世界上最易学、易用的语言之一。6. 远程教学课程在时间安排上给予学生更多的自由,但与其课程相比,这些课程要求学生有更强的自律能力。Cloze:X: BABBC CBAAB AABABText Structure AnalysisXI:The topic of the paragraph: My learning experience in junior middle school.The cause: I had a kind and patient teacher who often praised all of the students.The effect: I eagerly answered all the questions I could, never worrying much about making mistakes, I was at the top of my class for two years.Structure WritingXII: I am proud to say that I succeed in learning a foreign language. It was a real challenge and, needless to say, it look a lot of practice. I carried a small dictionary with me everywhere I went as well as notebook in which I listed new words I came across. I also managed my time carefully so that I met the standards of the course and finished assignments on time. After years of persistence, I reaped the benefits of all my hard work.Section BReading SkillsI: CBDABComprehension of the textII: CABCD BCDVocabularyIII: 1. community 2. effective 3. unique 4. committed 5. reinforce 6. perspective 7. explicit 8. challenge 9. hindered 10. aroseIV: 1. for 2. with 3. on 4. on 5. on 6. of 7. in 8. up 9. of 10. InKeys to Exercises of Unit 2 of Book1 of NHCESection AVocabularyIII: 1. appeals 2. identity 3. concern 4. disgusting 5. upset 6. influence 7. offensive 8. burst 9. stuff 10. thoroughIV: 1. off/down 2. off 3. as 4. on 5.for 6. on/upon 7. to 8. over 9 in 10. ofV.HFDKB CLIONSentence StructureVI:1. Kate saw her brother Bill as she was getting off the school bus.2. As she was standing up from her seat, mother dropped the glass to the ground.3. A policeman fired at a thief as the thief was bolting out of the house.4. As she ran to catch the school bus, Sandy thought of her talk with her mother.5. As the teacher entered the classroom, all the students shouted “Happy Birthday” to him.VII:1She listened to her favorite rock music while singing along with the words.2She was putting on her jeans while asking me to hand her the sweater.3He banged on the door while opening it.4In the bathroom she put on some makeup while looking in the mirror.5The schoolmaster shot an angry glance at the naughty first grader while talking with his parents.TranslationVIII:1. As she was about to turn off the music, her father burst into her room and shouted at her,“Can’t you turn down the music a little bit?”2. The owner of the bar kept watching the girl dancing while pretending not to.3. Rock music appealed to Sandy so much that she turned it up, paying no attention to her father’s objection.4. As usual, when his parents don’t like what he wears, they start bugging him.5. At the meeting they discussed how to keep the lines of communication open between teachers and students.6. It makes my blood boil to think of these young boys and girls who are forced by their parents to beg for money along the streets.IX:1. 我认为那些在镇上游手好闲,在身上又文身又穿洞的青少年是在表达他们的个性。2. 因特网提供了一种更快捷的方式,让我们与全球的新老可户取得联系,并保持沟通渠道畅通无阻。3. 父母与自己十多岁的孩子的沟通问题不仅仅在于“代沟”,而且还在于双方都不完全理解对方的思想。4. 当父母与子女间有了这类沟通障碍时,青少年常常要经理这么一个阶段,在这个阶段,他们觉得父母会让他们没面子,害怕他们搭补到自己朋友的标准。5. 比如,青少年希望在外呆到很晚,但是当第二天早上要起床上学时,那又是另一回事了.Cloze:X: BBAAA AABCB AAACA CBAACText Structure AnalysisXI:Time markers: Sequenced actionsAfter her shower; Sandy brushed her hair ,put on her old, green T-shirt and some jeans.Then: She put her makeup and went to the kitchen。。。Grabbed a glass of milk and ate a piece of toast while standing by the sink.Just then: Her mother, Jean, entered the kitchen



A memorable Experience

On the morning of the college entrance test I rode a bike to the school where I would take theexamination.

Less than halfway between my house and the school, disaster struck. My bike hit a nail and thefront tyre went flat. I pushed the bike along the streets, looking for a repair shop. Minutes passed butstill there was none to be found. When I looked at my watch, I went wild with worry: there wereonly fifteen minutes left before the examination began, and the nearest bus stop was a long way off.Not knowing what to do, I stood still by the side of the road, tears welling up in my eyes. Then a carpulled in and I heard a voice asking what the matter was. When he heard my story, the driver offeredme a lift. Thank to his kindness, I arrived just in time. And so here I am today. ( 157 words)






你的得分: 92.5

完成日期:2011年06月08日 12点15分

说明: 每道小题括号里的答案是您最高分那次所选的答案,标准答案将在本次作业结束(即2011年09月08日)后显示在题目旁边。

一、单项选择题。本大题共40个小题,每小题 2.5 分,共100.0分。在每小题给出的选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。


— Hi! How do you do, Zhang?

— _______

( C )

A. How are you?


Good afternoon.

C. How do you do?


Very fine.


— Jane, I’m coming to say good-bye. I’m leaving tomorrow.

— _______

( D )

A. I’m sorry.

B. Oh, no. Why?

C. Go slowly.

D. Why soon? Can’t you stay a few days longer?


— Sam, this is my friend, Jane.

— _______

( C )

A. I’m Sam.

B. How are you?

C. Glad to meet you, Jane.

D. Very well, thank you.


— May I know your name, please?

— _______

( C )

A. I’d rather not.

B. Yes, you may.

C. Jane Edwin.

D. No, please don’t


— Haven’t seen you for ages. How are you?

— _______

( D )

A. Thank you a lot.

B. It’s several years.

C. Long time no see.

D. Just so-so.

6. We’re glad that something _______ has come out of the situation.

( A )

A. positive

B. negative

C. position

D. negation

7. We’ll discuss the problem later _______ detail.

( D )

A. of

B. on

C. at

D. in

8. Each member is given a special exercise routine that is _______ for his or her needs.

( A )

A. constant

B. appropriate

C. bad

D. hopeful

9. Mrs. Black became a(n) _______ at making desserts.

( A )

A. expert

B. worker

C. host



10. Hurry up, _______ you’ll be late.

( D )

A. and

B. but

C. so

D. or

11. There’s something important in _______.

( D )

A. paper of today

B. today newspaper’s

C. today newspaper

D. today’s newspaper

12. She volunteered to take care of _______ wounded and _______ dying.

( B )

A. the, /

B. the, the

C. /, the

D. /, /

13. He’s a shy boy who can’t _______ with others very well.

( C )

A. say

B. talk

C. communicate

D. speak

14. I'm _______ of the package that's been left in the corridor.

( A )

A. worried

B. sharp

C. aggressive

D. suspicious

15. You’re required to _______ your name at the end of this form.

( B )

A. spell

B. sign

C. tell

D. mark


Peter, my English teacher always _______ me to study hard.

( C )

A. occupied

B. challenged

C. encouraged

D. convinced


Mr. Smith raises many _______ on his farm.

( D )

A. deers

B. sheeps

C. oxes

D. chickens

18. They’re _______ vacation for the next two weeks.

( B )

A. from

B. on

C. with

D. off


We often have sports after class, and I like to play _______ basketball.

( D )

A. a

B. an

C. the




The police asked me to _______ exactly how it happened.

( C )

A. express

B. draw

C. describe




It took him a long time to _______ the skills he needed to become a professional artist.

( A )

A. acquire

B. require

C. inquire

D. remain

22. The island’s _______ is similar to Hawaii’s, which attracts more and more tourists every year.

( D )

A. people

B. area

C. custom

D. landscape


Some friends of _______ joined the political party.

( A )

A. my father

B. my father’s

C. my fathers’


my fathers


Mrs. Lenny gave us _______ on how to learn English well.

( C )

A. some advices

B. many advices

C. some advice

D. an advice


All the _______ in the hospital will get a rise tomorrow.

( C )

A. women-doctors

B. woman doctors

C. women doctors


doctors of women


After the accident it took a long time before she had the _______ to get back in a car again.

( B )

A. time

B. confidence

C. opportunity




I could hear them talking but I couldn’t figure _______ what they were saying.

( A )

A. out

B. at

C. to



28. The _______ of doctors agree that smoking is extremely harmful to health.

( B )

A. major

B. majority

C. minor

D. minority

29. He is learning to playing _______ guitar.

( D )

A. a

B. an

C. the




I’ve lost _______ with George in the last few months.

( C )

A. letter

B. message

C. contact




My son is already showing an interest _______ music.

( C )

A. on

B. to

C. in




If you meet a new word and you are not sure what it means, _______ it _______ in a dictionary.

( D )

A. look at

B. look for

C. look after


look up


Old Mr. Carter was convinced that women doctors were _______ to men.

( B )

A. superior

B. inferior

C. superiority




No country can afford to neglect _______.

( C )

A. an education

B. educations

C. education

D. the education


Millie has _______ e-dog and its name is Hobo.

( B )

A. a

B. an

C. the

D. /


Tom felt his mother knew he was lying when she looked him in the eye.

( D )

A. 汤姆觉得妈妈在撒谎,当妈妈看他的眼睛时。

B. 当妈妈看汤姆的眼睛时,汤姆觉得妈妈在撒谎。

C. 汤姆觉得妈妈知道他在撒谎,当妈妈正视汤姆的眼睛时。

D. 当妈妈正视汤姆的眼睛时,汤姆觉得妈妈知道他在撒谎。


I’d like to have some fish rather than beef.

( C )

A. 我想吃牛肉,不想吃鱼。

B. 我不想吃牛肉,也不想吃鱼。

C. 我想吃鱼,不想吃牛肉。

D. 我想吃牛肉,也想吃鱼。



( C )

A. It rained heavily yesterday, for we went to the concert anyway.

B. It rained heavily yesterday, and we went to the concert anyway.

C. It rained heavily yesterday, but we went to the concert anyway.

D. It rained heavily, however we went to the concert anyway.



( A )

A. Henry sent out applications to several big companies.

B. Henry sent out application several big companies.

C. Henry sent out several big companies to his applications.

D. Several big companies sent out applications to Henry.



( D )

A. He is not very friend to strangers.

B. He is not very friendless to strangers.

C. He is not very friendship to strangers.

D. He is not very friendly to strangers.






1、A 2、A 3、C 4、D 5、C 

1. – How do you think about the result? – _________________

A. It’s hard to say, actually.

B. No, I don’t know.

C. of course not.

D. I never think of it.

2. Women ____________ fewer crimes than men.

A. commit

B. forbid

C. overcome

D. afflict

3. This MP is ______ that one.

A. as twice expensive as

B. as expensive as twice

C. twice as expensive as

D. twice expensive as

4. I had my car ______. Would you please pick me up tomorrow morning?

A. repair

B. repairing

C. to be repaired

D. repaired

5. Mum: Susan, come and meet aunt Amy’s daughter, Catherine. Susan: Hi, Catherine, nice to meet you. Catherine: ( )

A. Yes.

B. Fine, thank you.

C. Nice to meet you, too.

D. It’s my pleasure.

6. He is __________.

A. aggressive

B. progression

C. congress

D. digress

7. Mike is ____________ Johnson.

A. as successful a manager as

B. as a successful manager

C. as a manager successful as

D. as successful manager as

8. ____________ other games, this one isn’t very interesting.

A. In comparison with

B. by comparison to

C. For comparison with

D. In comparison

9. Unfortunately we had a ______ tire on the way to the party.

A. empty

B. flat

C. hollow

D. blank

10. – So what should we do next? –( )

A. Let’s have a cup of tea, and then discuss the plan.

B. I am not clear.

C. No hurry.

D. I’m too busy to do anything.

11. In the area, AIDS is __________ disease that the very mention of it strikes terror into the population.

A. a so dreadful

B. so dreadful a

C. such dreadful

D. a such dreadful

12. – Let’s go fishing. –( )

A. How could you do that?

B. I have no interest.

C. No, are you crazy?

D. I’d like that. But I can’t afford time.

13. – Would you like to go shopping with me? – _________________

A. All right.

B. That's all right.

C. No, I won't.

D. I’d like to.

14. There was no obvious reason why this could not be ____________ a film as the original.

A. possible

B. likely

C. easy

D. as good

15. The burning question in this year’s debate is: whose taxes should ______.

A. raise

B. be raised

C. rise

D. be risen

16. – Jack, let me introduce you to my former roommate, Denise Black. –( )

A. No, I don’t.

B. Yes, please.

C. Nice to meet you.

D. Good!

17. ---Would you like to go for a picnic with us tomorrow? --- Of course, I ____________.

A. would

B. would like

C. would like to

D. wouldn’t like

18. She is a creature of emotions, ______ reason.

A. than

B. but than

C. rather than

D. other than

19. Sometimes it was a bit boring to work there because there wasn’t always ____________ much to do.

A. such

B. that

C. more

D. very

20. –What do you think I should do? – _________________

A. I don’t know.

B. That’s not my business.

C. You must talk with him.

D. You’d better talk with him.

21. – How are you getting on? –( )

A. Very well. Thank you.

B. You’re welcome.

C. Not at all.

D. I don’t know.

22. — ____________________________ — Won't you have another coffee?

A. Thank you very much for a wonderful party

B. I’m glad to have met you.

C. Thanks for all your hospitality.

D. Sorry, it's time I left now.

23. In the next five years, we will see some ______ recovery.

A. economy

B. economic

C. economical

D. economized

24. Whenever he meets with a new word, he will ______a dictionary.

A. look it up

B. look it in

C. look it up in

D. look it with

25. Not until they got married _______ that he is a rude man.

A. she knew

B. had she known

C. she had known

D. did she know

26. It is best to ____________ it easy under this condition.

A. relax

B. take

C. deal with

D. cope with

27. The majority of smokers say that they would like to ____________ the habit.

A. sweep

B. flatter

C. quit

D. release

28. He took a taxi to the airport in a hurry ______ find that he forgot the ticket at home.

A. to

B. in order to

C. only to

D. as to

29. Mary insisted ______ being present at all the interviews with the foreign company.

A. with

B. on

C. in

D. at

30. The scenic spot is crowded with tourists ______ all through the year.

A. at a time

B. at other times

C. at all times

D. at one time

31. The international table tennis game will come to us ____________ from Germany.

A. lively

B. alive

C. live

D. living

32. She wired her father the moment ____________ she reached the hotel.

A. that

B. which

C. how

D. then

33. — I’d better be off now. — ____________________________

A. You must be tired.

B. Couldn’t you stay a little longer?

C. I’m sorry to have taken up too much time.

D. Go slowly.

34. I crossed the street to __________ meeting him, but he saw me and came running towards me.

A. avoid

B. allow

C. forget

D. remember

35. __________ happy family is __________ Heaven on __________ Earth.

A. A, /, /

B. A, a, the

C. The, a, /

D. The, the, the

36. ____________ his homework, he went to watch TV.

A. Having finished

B. Finished

C. Finishing

D. To finish

37. ______ yourself in other’s shoes, then you will never do the wrong thing.

A. Set

B. Make

C. Take

D. Put

38. To my surprise, I found the classroom is ______ at :00 in the morning.

A. bare

B. blank

C. empty

D. nothing

39. —I will call you before I go. Well, I’ve got to run. — ____________________________

A. I’m pleased to meet you.

B. Yes, you can leave if you like.

C. Oh, no, you can’t.

D. All right. Hope to see you soon.

40. ______ the passage, what does the author really want to inform us?

A. according to

B. due to

C. Based to

D. In light of

201301批次网上考试大学英语(1) A 卷

201301批次网上考试大学英语(1) A 卷一、单项选择题 (共40题、总分40分)

1. The man knocked at the door ( ) nobody answered. (本题分数:1 分。)A、 and B、 soC、 orD、 but

2. He ( ) when his teacher asked him to hand it in. (本题分数:1 分。)A、 has just finished his paperB、 just finished his paperC、 would just finish his paperD、 had just finished his paper

3. There isn’t any difference between the two. I really don’t know ( ). (本题分数:1 分。)A、 which to chooseB、 to choose what C、 what to choose D、 to choose which

4. ( ) the bad weather, the football match had to be put off. (本题分数:1 分。)A、 Because ofB、 BecauseC、 In caseD、 On occasion

5. When you come out of the elevator, turn ( ) left. (本题分数:1 分。)A、 aB、 anC、 the D、 ×

6. It is a nice day to me. Why not ( ) for a picnic? (本题分数:1 分。)A、 go forB、 go toC、 go outD、 go in

7. Would you please present the project ( ) (本题分数:1 分。)A、 report B、 print C、 write D、 record

8. When talking about fruits, I prefer banana ( ) apple. (本题分数:1 分。)A、 overB、 ofC、 atD、 to

9. He was caught in a traffic jam and by the time he reached the airport his friend's plane ( ). (本题分数:1 分。)A、 has already taken offB、 had already taken off C、 has been taken off D、 had been taken off

10. In social activities it is always emphasized to be punctual, to have strong ( ) of time. (本题分数:1 分。)A、 complaintB、 conceptC、 definitionD、 definite

11. It ( ) a nice day to me. Why not go out for a picnic? (本题分数:1 分。)A、 looks likeB、 likesC、 looksD、 looks as

12. Having worked hard for half a year, I plan to go on my ( ). (本题分数:1 分。)A、 vocationB、 vacationC、 cautionD、 action

13. I broke Mr. Milton’s coffee pot by ( ). (本题分数:1 分。)A、 incidentB、 accident C、 confidentD、 prevent

14. They prefer first names ( ) formal titles. (本题分数:1 分。)A、 than B、 toC、 for D、 in

15. My pronunciation isn’t ( ) enough to make myself understood.. (本题分数:1 分。)A、 absoluteB、 accurate C、 amusedD、 detailed

16. This boy is his mother's ( ) for he never did anything right. (本题分数:1 分。)A、 hope B、 despair C、 despite D、 expectation

17. My American friend knows my problem because I ( ) my ideas with him. (本题分数:1 分。)A、 have changedB、 changed C、 have exchangedD、 exchanged

18. Great as Newton was, many of his ideas ( ) today and are being modified by the work of scientists of our time. (本题分数:1 分。)A、 are to challengeB、 may be challenged C、 have been challengedD、 are challenging

19. If you refuse my suggestion, you will regret( ). (本题分数:1 分。)A、 sooner or later B、 now and thenC、 time and time D、 in or out

20. Will you tell me how I can see the ( ) manager, please? (本题分数:1 分。)A、 personalB、 privateC、 personnelD、 public

21. I’d better check in my luggage quickly ( ) I’d miss my flight. (本题分数:1 分。)A、 andB、 soC、 orD、 to

22. His success was due to ( ) he had been working hard (本题分数:1 分。)A、 that the fact B、 that the fact C、 which the fact of

23. I don’t know how to express my thanks. -- ( ) (本题分数:1 分。)A、 it’s my pressure B、 The pleasure is mine. C、 Nice to meet. D、 No, not.

24. I don't think that I shall fail. But if I ( ), I would try again. (本题分数:1 分。)A、 should fail B、 would fail C、 failed D、 had failed

25. Is Thanksgiving Day a ( ) holiday for America people? (本题分数:1 分。)A、 singleB、 uniqueC、 particularD、 uniform

26. I’ve ( ) no efforts in reading the greats of contemporary Chinese literature so as to improve my language. (本题分数:1 分。)A、 sparedB、 spentC、 takenD、 created

27. There is a cold ( )from Canada moving down through the western states (本题分数:1 分。)A、 fineB、 foldC、 lineD、 front

28. All the arrangements are ( ) and can be change (本题分数:1 分。)A、 fixed B、 flexible C、 settled D、 finished

29. In social ( ) it is always emphasized to be punctual. (本题分数:1 分。)A、 actions B、 acts C、 activitiesD、 actives

30. University graduates often find it hard to ( ) what they have learned at college to their life (本题分数:1 分。)A、 adaptB、 applyC、 adoptD、 agree

31. ( ) the project one month earlier, they burst into a big laughter. (本题分数:1 分。)A、 AccomplishedB、 Being accomplishedC、 AccomplishingD、 Having accomplished

32. Tim is so ( )that he never changes his mind. (本题分数:1 分。)A、 kind B、 gentle C、 stubbornD、 panic

33. He walked ( )south ( ) the river and stopped for a rest. (本题分数:1 分。)A、 as far…as B、 so much…asC、 so…asD、 such…as

34. I decided to take ( ) piano playing as my hobby. (本题分数:1 分。)A、 off B、 to C、 in D、 up

35. If possible, I’d like the ( ) flight for I’m in a hurry. (本题分数:1 分。)A、 directB、 commute C、 transfer D、 stop

36. Knowledge we gained in school is very important, ( ) we will depend in the future. (本题分数:1 分。)A、 in which B、 of whichC、 to which D、 on which

37. How many hours will you ( )( ) the community service a week? (本题分数:1 分。)A、 spend forB、 adjust to C、 apply toD、 devote to

38. That young man still denies ( )- the fire behind the store. (本题分数:1 分。)A、 to startB、 to starting C、 having startedD、 having been started

39. He was so ( ) in his work that he didn’t notice me entering the room. (本题分数:1 分。)A、 concentratedB、 focusedC、 absorbedD、 attracted

40. The basketball game come to us ( ) from New York. (本题分数:1 分。)A、 live B、 aliveC、 livelyD、 living Top

二、阅读理解单项选择题 (共4题、总分40分)

1. Once upon a time, there lived a rich man. He had a servant ( 仆人 ). He and the servant loved wine and good food very much. Each time the rich man left his home, the servant would drink the wine and eat up all the nice food in the house. The rich man knew what his servant did, but he had never caught his servant doing that.

One morning, when he left home, he said to the servant, “ Here are two bottles of poison ( 毒药 ) and some nice food in the house. You must take of them. ” With these words, he went out.

But the servant knew that the rich man had said was untrue. After the rich man was away from his home, he enjoyed a nice meal. Because he drank too much, he was drunk and fell to the ground. When the rich man came back, he couldn ’ t find his food and his wine. He became very angry. He woke the servant up. But the servant told his story very well. He said a cat had eaten up everything. He was afraid to be punished, so he drank the poison to kill himself. (本题分数:10 分。)(1). In the story, ( ) liked wine and good food very much. (2 分)

A、 the rich man  


the servant


both A and B


neither A and B

(2). The rich man knew that it was ( ) that drank the wine and ate up all the nice food. (2 分)

A、 the cat  






the servant

(3). The rich told the servant that there was poison in the two bottles, because ( ). (2 分)

A、 there was in fact poison in the bottles


did not want the servant to drink his wine


he wanted to kill the cat


he wanted to kill the servant

(4). In fact, ( )ate all the nice food and drank the wine. (2 分)

A、 the servant  




the rich man



(5). From the story, we know that the servant is very ( ) (2 分)

A、 lazy







2. During the 19th century, scientists found that when certain parts of the brain of a person were hurt, he would lose the power of doing certain things. And so people thought that each part of the brain does a different job. But modem research discovered that this is not so, for it is not easy to show exactly what each part of the brain does.

In the past fifty years there has been a great increase in the amount of research done on the brain. Scientists have found out the way the brain works is not so simple as people in general may think. Chemists fell us that about 100 000 chemical changes take place in the brain every second. Some recent researches also suggest that we can remember everything that happens to us. We, may not be able to think of the things we have heard and seen, but it is kept there in the storehouse ( 宝库 ) of the human brain. Earlier scientists thought that is not true. As long as the brain is given plenty of exercise, it keeps its power. It has been proved that an old person who has always been active in the mind has a quicker mind than a young person who has only done physical work without using much of his brain. (本题分数:10 分。)(1). In the 19th century, scientist found that a person would lose the power to do certain things ( ) (2 分)

A、 when he got weaker in health


if certain parts of his brain were hurt


after he did a quite different job


when he grew older

(2). Scientists today are still unable to show exactly ( ). (2 分)

A、 what each part of the brain is doing


how many chemical changes take place in the brain each second


whether each part of the brain does the same job


which part of the brain is the most important

(3). It has been found that one's brain usually works ( ). (2 分)

A、 faster when he is old


a little now and a little then


in a very simple way


more complicated than we thought

(4). Which of the following is NOT true according to the text? ( ) (2 分)

A、 Scientists are working hard at the researches on the brain.


As many as six million chemical changes take place in the brain every minute.


A young man doing physical labor is sure to have a much slower min


Even an old man may have a quick mind if his brain is given much exercise.

(5). The more work we give to our brains( ) (2 分)

A、 the less result we will gain


the more work they are able to do


the weaker their power will get


the more tired they will feel

3. Hotlines have become common in Chin Some radio broadcasting stations use hotlines to encourage the listeners to take part in the talk shows.

That''s a good idea Yet, the fact is, some people do nothing but break the whole programme. Some people know little about the topic under discussion. Sometimes they do not even know what the host ( 主持人 ) is talking about. So the host has to tell the caller what the show is about. Usually the caller will ask a few questions which express hope and show his ignorance ( 无知 }. Then the host has to answer and explain —— how silly this is! It wastes a lot of time.

It seems that some people phone the hotlines in fun. They just want to let the listeners hear them. They don''t care what the topic is, whether they themselves are interested in or how silly they appear to be.

I think that it''s necessary for radio stations to improve the hotline programmes. In my opinion, if a caller doesn''t know what is going on, the operator should not let the callers take part in it (本题分数:10 分。)(1). The sentence "some people do nothing but break the whole programmes" may tell us that ( ) (2 分)

A、 radio stations use hotlines


in a wrong way it is a fact


it is a good idea


some people have unclear thoughts

(2). According to the passage, which of the following is not true? ( ) (2 分)

A、 Some people do not know what the host is talking about.


Some people know little about the topic under discussion.


Some people do not know what the show is about.


The writer tells us that the host is silly.

(3). The host has to answer and explain ( ) (2 分)

A、 for the host works hard


because of the caller's ignorance


for the host likes talking to the caller


because a lot of questions are raised by the caller

(4). The passage doesn't tell us ( ) (2 分)

A、 that some listeners phone the hotline in fun


that some people just want to be heard by others


that some people who don't care what the topic is realize that they appear to be silly


what the hotlines programmes are

(5). The word "operator" in the last sentence refers to the( ) (2 分)

A、 host






both A and B

4. The garbage does not simply disappear. It may go on to a transfer station. Since it is difficult and expensive to dispose at landfill sites and incinerators. People are encouraged to recycle and compost (堆肥) their garbage. Garbage is picked up and taken and will be carefully buried or burned. The problem with these methods of garbage disposal is that they cost money, take up land and cause pollution.

One solution to the problem of solid waste disposal is composting. Some things that can be composted such as fruits and vegetable peels. People can compost these food products by placing them in an outdoor container where they decompose( 分解 ) into a substance called compost. Compost, which contains plant nutrients, can be spread in the garden to help other plants grow.

Another solution to the problem of solid waste disposal is recycling. Some things can be recycled, such as glass jars, tin cans, office paper and newspapers. People can recycle used products by putting them in the "blue box". The recycled goods are melt down to be used for products. Recycling and composting are two ways of reducing the amount of solid waste. These methods show people a new way of handling garbage: many things people throw away can be used again (本题分数:10 分。)(1). Which of the following situation will be after the new ways to deal with garbage is used? ( ) (2 分)

A、 more solid waste will be produced


less solid waste will be produced


The same amount of solid waste will be produced


people will stop producing solid wast

(2). The passage encourages people to ( )their solid waste (2 分)

A、 ncrease






recycle or compost

(3). The main idea for the second paragraph is ( ). (2 分)

A、 compost is a special substance that provides your garden with nutrients


composting is one of ways to reduce solid waste


it can take a long time for compost to form, depending on what you put in the compost bin


meat, fish and grease are three things that you cannot put in your compost

(4). The passage is mainly concerned with ( ). (2 分)

A、 Explain how to make compost and how it can benefit your garden.


Choose the best way to reduce solid waste: composting or recycling.


Compare and contrast composting with traditional garbage disposal.


Classify the different methods of throwing away household garbage

(5). Which place is not a destination for solid waste? ( ) (2 分)

A、 a transfer station


a landfill site


a recycling depot


an incinerator


三、作文题 (共1题、总分20分)

1. This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write a letter note according to the following instructions given in Chinese. Remember to write the letter on the Composition / Translation Sheet.给 Robert 先生写一封短信。 内容:希望能在贵出版谋求一个职位。我现年三十岁,目前受雇于彼得逊出版社。我离开现工作岗位的唯一理由是,目前的职位对我没有发展途。我擅长写作和编辑,所以一直想从事编辑工作。[注意:必须包括收信人的称谓,写信日期 (2004年6月),收信人( 杰克 )的签名等基本格式。] (本题分数:20 分。)

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